Sunday, January 30, 2011

Breaking down

I wonder if I'm falling apart.  Or at least getting sick.  That's probably more likely.  I got back from a trip to Bath (so gorgeous!) yesterday, and I was just so tired, even though it was not even seven o'clock!  I put my pics on Facebook, wrote a blog about my trip to Bath, Skyped with my boyfriend, then tried to read and go to bed.  It was midnight by the time I turned off the light, but I could not sleep.  I was hungry, so, since I was still awake at one, I got up to have some cookies and Nutella (not too healthy, but it could be worse).  I was shaking as I went down to the kitchen, got my food, and went back to my room.  I was a little unsteady, too, which really worried me.  I just felt like somewhat was so wrong.  I'm worried about it because the same thing (so far) has happened today.  I walked to Mumbles with my girlfriends, and throughout the day I had plenty of energy.  Now that I'm "home," though, I just feel entirely drained.  I hope I'm not getting sick :(

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